In 2017, RBC Royal Bank decided to re-imagine the client experience when interacting with its advisors. They replaced a 10+ year-old step-by-step, advisor-led approach to one that is more iterative and fluid, where the client leads the interaction.
This change required an update to the content in the existing curriculum and was an opportunity to modernize the learning components. RBC asked Benchmark to help them recreate the learning experience.
The previous curriculum included pages of reading and hours of eclassroom presentations, with few opportunities to practice. Learners came away feeling uncertain about their skills with few resources to support them in the workplace.
We began our re-design by asking stakeholders (learners, managers, coaches and facilitators) for input. We then applied the AGES principles and a flipped classroom approach to design a curriculum that reduces seat time by over 70%, includes curriculum components that double as easily retrievable resources, and increases learner engagement.
Learners immediately recognized the relevance of the easily digestible learning assets and referred them to colleagues outside the target learner group.
Managers, coaches and facilitators said they’re more able to support learners because they can pull just one asset to coach on a specific skill.
Clients noticed a superior level of service compared to other banks.
RBC won an industry award for overall customer satisfaction rating in 2018.
Benchmark and RBC received the I4PL Standard of Achievement Award for Designing Curricula in 2019.
For more information, contact Kathy Lee.